Detailed. Creative. Strategic.

She speaks with purpose and a smile in her voice. The zeal in her eyes reveals her passions and what drives her daily. Susie Jacobs blends unique skills into a masterfully woven tapestry of invaluable competencies. She has been an essential member of the Progress team for 33 years as a Project Manager.

Susie has unmatched attention to detail combined with experienced, strategic oversight. She can envision the size and cope of a project while breaking it down into specific tasks needing attention. “Every person has their tolerance about what variance they will accept,” she explains. “I accept very little.”

As a liaison between our customers, sales representative, schedulers, and finishers, Susie manages projects to ensure accurate communication about quality, timing, and delivery are a priority.

She serves as the stitch that binds many aspects of a project together; her careful eye and creative planning ensures customers receive a personal touch to every piece through the printing process.

Her Hobby

Susie’s focus and big-picture project thinking allow her to successfully create and manage projects beyond the Progress Printing Plus halls, as a quilter.

As a little girl she loved to sew. In her mid-twenties she saw a beautiful quilt and made it her mission to create one of her own. Utilizing her organization skills and her love of sewing, she quickly felt the rush of taking many separate components and fashioning them together to create a beautiful work of art.

She is challenged by choosing an appropriate quilting pattern to complement the design, but selecting the colors brings her the most reward. Quilting is difficult and requires a lot of focus.

“If a quilt turns out nicely, it’s fun to enter it in shows. It’s not about the awards; it’s about sharing something you’ve created.” There is great reward in seeing a final project, with many elements presented beautifully.

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